If you have questions or concerns related to a demurrage invoice, charges, fee mitigation or refund requests in relation to cargo transported by CMA-CGM, Evergreen or Wan Hai Line LTD, please refer to the following procedures: 

Requests to Yusen Terminals

  • If you are requesting a demurrage waiver for import containers that remain on the terminal and have not been delivered, please submit the request and send the email to [email protected].  The request must include: 
    • Container Number(s), 
    • Vessel/Voyage, 
    • Specific dates for which you are seeking a demurrage waiver,
    • Reason for the waiver request, and,
    • Any supporting documentation
  • If you are requesting information about fees and/or demurrage charges showing on Pay Cargo’s website prior to making a payment, please utilize YTI Assist to contact our Customer Service Team.
  • All requests for mitigation, refund, or waiver submitted to Yusen Terminals must be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days from the invoice issuance date.  Yusen Terminals will attempt to respond to any such request within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving such a request, or such later date as may be agreed by the parties. 
For all other Demurrage disputes, fee mitigation, and refund requests after a payment has been made and cargo has been delivered, please refer to the following for guidance to submit such requests directly to the respective shipping line.



[email protected]

Evergreen Shipping Agency 

The Customer shall respond in writing to Evergreen’s invoices within 30 days of the invoice date, documenting with appropriate evidence, including but not limited to (1) a written explanation of the circumstances that prevented the pick up, and (2) documents proving the explanation, its disagreement with any charges it believes to be incorrect. Evergreen’s dispute resolution process may be found at the following link:


Otherwise, Evergreen deems all invoices to be billed accurately and the payment should be received by the due date.

Wan Hai Lines LTD

Free time, Demurrage, and Detention applied per service contract terms, or Wan Hai Line’s governing tariff if special service contract terms are not in effect.  For the applicable tariff Demurrage and Detention rules on which the daily rates are based, please refer to rules 23-D00, 23-D01 and 21-B00 in tariff Eastbound Governing Rules (013148-010) for import and to rules 23-D00 and 21-B01 in tariff Westbound Governing Rules (013148-011) for export at https://rates.descartes.com

For login information, please contact: [email protected].

Based on the information available to Carrier as of the date of this invoice:

  1. The invoice is consistent with Federal Maritime Commission rules with respect to demurrage and detention: and 
  2. Carrier’s performance did not cause or contribute to the underlying invoiced charges.

For questions or requests for mitigation of fee, please contact by email below:

For our collection & dispute policy, please visit our website – https://wanhai.com

YTI does not collect demurrage or issue demurrage invoices for the following shipping line operators:

ONE (Ocean Network Express), COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Group), Hapag-Lloyd, HMM (Hyundai Merchant Marine), OOCL (Orient Overseas Container Line) and YML (Yang Ming Transportation). If you have questions or concerns regarding any detention invoices, charges, fee mitigation or refund requests, please contact the shipping line directly.


eModal www.emodal.com

For further questions please contact ONE at www.one-line.com LIVE CHAT or by phone at 844-413-6029.

COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Group)

eModal www.emodal.com



Please contact Hapag-Lloyd directly, [email protected]

HMM (Hyundai Merchant Marine)

[email protected]

For demurrage inquiries, visit http://www.hmm21.com/cms/business/usa/index.jsp

OOCL (Orient Overseas Container Line)

Effective May 27, 2024, all demurrage payments for OOCL containers should be made directly to the steamship line on https://rtr.home.oocl.com.  Please contact OOCL via email at [email protected] or via phone at 888-388-6625 for questions regarding demurrage charges. For any RTR technical questions, including registration, please contact [email protected]

YML (Yang Ming Transportation)

eModal www.emodal.com

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